Progenity, Inc. (PROG) has experienced an incline of 32.24% in the premarket today. However, the last trading session closed at $1.52 with an incline of 40.74%.
11th Annual Partnership Opportunities
PROG announced on 21st September 2021 that it would attend the 11th annual Partnership Opportunities in Drug Delivery (PODD) Conference. It will take place in Boston on October 28-29, 2021. Chris Wahl will speak on the panel Orally Ingestible Devices for Biologics Delivery.
Progenity’s Oral Biotherapeutic Administration System (OBDS) is designed to provide needle-free systemic delivery of large-molecule biologics in a liquid formulation, will be discussed during the session. The business will interact with new and existing pharmaceutical partners in addition to participating on the panel. Progenity has inked its third agreement with a major pharmaceutical firm to use the OBDS platform to study the delivery of big molecules.
PROG Announced Patent Granted by USPTO for its Preeclampsia Rule-Out Test
PROG announced on 14th September 2021 that the United States Patent and Trademark Office has issued US Patent No. 11,112,403 for tests. It also refers to the dissociated placental growth factor in the evaluation of preeclampsia.
PlGF is a well-known biomarker for preeclampsia, and new research has highlighted the importance of differentiating between the free and bound versions. This test has worldwide potential as an in vitro diagnostic (IVD) and point-of-care solution, in addition to the laboratory-developed test (LDT) immunodiagnostic in development.
Progenity is investigating commercialization possibilities for the LDT launch in the United States, as well as IVD embodiments to tap the worldwide market for the PreecludiaTM test, in line with the company’s recent strategic change.
About Progenity, Inc. (PROG)
PROG is a biotech firm focused on women’s health, gastrointestinal health, and oral biotherapeutics. Progenity’s molecular testing tools and the development of a suite of experimental ingestible devices. The company also aims to provide precise diagnostic samples and medication administration solutions. For this purpose, they use a multi-omics approach that incorporates genomes, epigenomics, proteomics, and metabolomics. Progenity’s mission is to make healthcare more accurate and personalized by enhancing illness diagnosis.